September 10, 2023


“Don’t get old”. How many times have you heard that statement or saying? I know it has been more than once. I only did about five miles yesterday but they started out hard and only became more hardened, seemed like it was set in concrete for me to run/walk on concrete. I seem to start after the oven is already set at 450^, I have to park in the sun because there are no parking spaces with shade, I dropped the tube of powder to dump in the water, it rolled against the wheel, I had to move the car so I could pick up the tube, and it seemed to get hotter in those few minutes I was struggling with that stupid tube, (it had to be stupid because it thought I wouldn’t move the car and get it).
Anyway, that phrase came to me last night as I could not find a comfortable position to stop the dull ache in the right knee. It wasn’t until this morning that I came to my senses and realized how dumb that saying really is. What is the only way not to get old? Even if you urveyed 100 people, you are not going to get more than one answer on the board.
I do realize when the starter’s gun went off this morning and I placed the first word on the page, the saying I placed there is not used with a thought of how you do not get old but a backhanded complaint about the trials and tribulations of having a few miles on the body and it would be certainly feel better if we still had 1,000 miles left on the body rather than 100 as the wear and tear over the years has taken its toll.
Changing the subject for the moment, in case you didn’t know it, today is Sunday and I get to attend another Sunday morning service. Last week, we were singing the song which had the words, “I surrender”, in it. Now, if True Confession” was interviewing me, I would have to come clean and admit I have a problem with those words on occasion, (I know, I am the only one with the problem). The occasion which came to mind during the service, (don’t you hate it when God speaks to you during the service about something He notices about you?), was the length at times of the Praise and Worship. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the praise and worship as much as the next person. I often will have some music on in the background from one of the two hour song fests from Bethel, Hillsong or any number of other Christian groups.
But at times, I want to run up on stage and dismiss the church because “I” am ready to go. The bottom line is I want to be in charge. I want to say when it is time to end the endless singing of the same verse, even though it is really not endless, just seems like it to me, and since I am in charge, I say it is endless, never mind that the rest of the church has their eyes closed and are in touch with the Lord, who is ministering to them, it is endless.
I am not a clock watcher but I have an ability to know when the sermon is going a little long, at least as far as how long I determine a sermon should last. Remember, the words, “I surrender”, have just been words in a song which apply to everyone else, except me before last Sunday. I have always been somewhat lenient in this area and allowed extra time if I see the preacher needs it because he/she has a really good point that’s taking him/her into overtime.
I have thought about this idea of surrendering all week. I do know I am not required to be in charge 100% of the time. I watched the first session of the “Ultimate Cowboy, the All Stars”, last night. I tape different shows and then watch them late at night because nothing is on I want to see and I can fast forward through all the commercials. I remember most of the cowboys and cowgirls from the previous shows and believe not one of them were ones I picked to win, mostly because of personalities or dumb moves during the contests. But leadership was one of the problems as most of them wanted to be the leader.
I am of the opinion you can not be a good leader if you can not be a good follower and then all of us have opportunities for our gifts to be on display and lead at different times. Knowing when those times appear is the key! Since I want to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, I know those times for me are definitely not when the sermon is taking place or when the praise and worship is taking place. So, I am off to hobble up to the church and put in practice, my surrendering of this mind, body and soul to the Lord and reap the blessings from having surrendered this morning to the leading of the Holy Spirit during the service, as I will not determine the length of the sermon or the length of the praise and worship. And I will listen to the sermon to see what God has to teach me. The real test will be how I handle the rest of the day as I surrender to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to lead me though the deep waters where the roar of the rapids are trying to drown out the still small voice of the Holy Spirit.

September 11, 2023

AB 957

I do know what the date is and am not minimizing the significance of the date by not doing more than saying I remember where I was when I watched the towers crumble and wish it had never happened.

Everybody has heard of the five second rule, i.e., you drop your piece of steak on the floor and so long as it is not there for more than five seconds, you can still eat it. Yesterday in church, OC gave us the two second rule, using the story of the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years, getting healed in two seconds by touching the hem of Jesus robe. What couldn’t be done by doctors in twelve years was done in two seconds. While I don’t have the same issue as the lady in the story, I believe the two second rule can take care of the issues I do have.
Then, if you remember my morning rant, I was put to the test about surrendering during the ending of the service. The mountains and valleys of walking with the Lord are never ending,
So it is the start of another work week, another week for the minority to make rules for the majority. I do not know what the attraction is for black women to shave their heads but I guess if the squad member does it, “monkey see, monkey do”. And there is no racial component to that saying as it has been around for years. In fact, read this: “Monkey see, monkey do is a pidgin-style saying that was already called an ‘old saying’ in 1900. The saying refers to the learning of a process without an understanding of why it works. Another definition implies the act of imitation, usually with limited knowledge and/or concern for the consequences.” [The source is Wikipedia] I like that last part of the meaning as it is usually how the saying is used.  There are pictures of Lori Wilson with long braids and a recent picture of her with the shaved head. I do not know which one she is working with today but it will take quite a while to grow back the head of hair she has in previous pictures since she went for the squad member look.
Getting to AB957, “Assembly member Lori Wilson, D-Suisun City, whose child identifies as transgender, wrote the bill and introduced it Feb. 14. State Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, co-sponsored the measure.” The Senate passed it last Wednesday and the Assembly on Friday and it is on its way to Gruesome’s desk to help him reach his goal of destroying California as he winds his way to the White House to destroy the United States, by signing AB957 into law.
I read up a little on Lori Wilson as it is easy to attack someone who you disagree with on a super charged issue like parental rights clashing with children rights, (whatever those really are), She has an impressive bio and seems to advocate for what she believes in, which is more than just racial issues, even though one might stop at those emotionally charged door stoppers and not see the whole person. Mrs. Wilson is from California and married her childhood sweetheart and they have two sons and a daughter-in-law. Here is where I wondered how old the child is who identifies as transgender. I did not find the age after looking at her bio page and a few other sources but it is interesting that one son is old enough to have a wife, so how old is the other one, and which one identifies as transgender?
The bill is not presently as drastic as it seems from how it is described, i.e,, as a parent who does not acknowledge their child’s claim of gender identity could lose their child to the state. In reality, the bill deals with what basically is the determining factor in child custody issues, “what is in the best interests of the child”, which is a great goal for the state to have when deciding which parent gets custody but in reality is abused in more ways than you could imagine and the bias for the mom starting as the best parent is still present in almost all the Family Law Courts.
So, I imagine this lady in the California legislature has a child, who probably has heard a lot of stories from his transgender friends who have suffered through a divorce of their parents and wants to protect the children with the horrifying stories from a fate worse than death, which could quite possibly happen if they were drafted and sent to Ukraine, and make the parents of the transgender child bow down to the child’s desire to call themselves something other than what their plumbing says to call them. While I am not making light of a child’s feelings, I am bringing to your attention, that child does not have a driver’s license, is not allowed to buy cigarettes or alcohol, or join the service. Yet the state wants to make a parent allow the child to make life changing decisions outside of parental supervision and yet hold the parent responsible for criminal acts of the minor when the clean-up bill arrives.
This bill was introduced in February. I remember telling a few people about how the state would take a child if a parent doesn’t go along with the child’s desires to choose their gender. (If you think about it, it is really kind of ludicrous to allow a child to be in charge of such a monumental decision for their future) But no seemed to think I knew what I was talking about as that would never happen, the state take your kid from you because of not acknowledging their chosen gender, impossible!
Wake up! While Mrs. Wilson’s intentions with the AB957 may be altruistic and not have a harmful thought associated with it on her part, the results will be disastrous. The government already does not want to tell the parent how their own child identifies at school, they believe they are the parent and know what is best for your child, they have demonstrated they will lie about whether there have been any sexual assaults arising from their policies, (e.g., Loudoun, VA), the California AG is suing Chino Valley to block the School District mandating they tell parents what their children identify gender wise while at school, and now comes the official ability to determine what is in the best interest of your transgender child with AB957.
If you think determining what is in the best interest of the child stays in the Family Court in determining who should be the custodial parent, and custodial parent definition doesn’t move from natural parents to the state as being the custodial parent who knows what is in the best interest of ‘your” child, I have a few bricks from a bridge that are worth thousands of dollars I know you will buy. Please contact me immediately before I run out of inventory and have to go pick up more at Home Depot.

September 12, 2023

My Reasoning

I read an article breaking down the statistics from surveys concerning reparations in California. Surprisingly, the majority were against reparations. Supposedly the surveys were taken by Californians, which is a good thing beause they are the ones footing the bill. To me, this is one of the first times this group of lunatics who have ruined what used to be the State everyone wanted to move to came out with a sensible conclusion as far as I am concerned.
There were plenty of catagories for one to look through and some of them touched on the reason I am against them but did not use my reasoning for my opposition to reparations. It has to do with paying for another’s sin.
When anyone stands before the Lord and He is asking about something you did, He never asks you about what I did, or your friend did, or your spouse did. He only confronts you about your actions. Thank goodness because I know what you did and I don’t want to answer for that! But I have my own actions to address, some of which I seem to continually have to address. One would think I am smart enough to learn my lesson and change directions.
There is one difficulty with my reasoning and that is Christ paid for my sin on the Cross so I have a pass into an etrenity of light rather than a penalty of eternity of darkness. If there is an etrenal fire, can it be dark? A conundrum for us to discuss on another day. Be ready for it!
So my basic contention is God speaks to me about me and not about you. He may speak to me about something I am do to comfort you, to uplift you, (is a reparation an uplifting?), to come along beside you in a monent of grief, exhilaration, etc. I hope that moment of exhileration is when you hit the lottery and are feeling generous and giving out reparations to old white men for all their suffering from the woke progressive mob.
While Christ died for my sins, there is a small matter of II Corinthians 5:10, which states, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive compensation for his deeds done through the body, in accordance with what he has done, whether good or bad.” NASB There are so many things to pick apart here with the first being when does this happen, and then if we ever get past that discussion, it says “all” but then uses the masculine pronoun; says we “must”, so there is no choice; what could the “compensation” be?, and I believe you have already found a few other items you want to discuss.
But my main point is that Christ is going to judge me on me and my reward or penalty is based on me and my deeds, not on anyone else’s. If you read chapter 5 of II Corinthians, you find the in the context of the chapter, Paul is discussing the body we have here and the heavenly body we get there, the groaning we have in this “tent”, and in verse 11, the phrase, “fear of the Lord”, with the full verse stating: “Therefore, knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade people, but we are well known to God; and I hope that we are also well known in your conscience.” NASB
I think it is interesting that Paul uses the word, “knowing” before the phrase, “fear of the Lord”. I can see Spurgeon in his waistcoat on a Sunday morning putting verses 10 an 11 together with the drums pounding in the background and the cymbals being inserted at the right moment, causing a great crescendo to appear at the moment they are joined, i.e., Knowing the fear of the Lord as you stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ! If you ask me, it would be better if you know the fear of the Lord as you go through your days leading up the moment before the Judgment Seat of Christ, whenever that is. Sometimes it seems to me that I have to stand there more than once a week1
As I stand there, I have my doubts that Christ is going to say I need to pay reparations for the sins of my countrymen in the past. Especially in the amount the overly generous in charge of other people’s money want me to pay. That is my long-winded reasoning for being opposed to reparations.

September 13, 2023


The title for today could be something along the lines of , “The Journalist is Dead”, or “Can I Find a Journalist?”. I saw an interview with Scott Smith, the father who is the poster boy for parents being terrorists. If the events happened as he stated them, the title could ask about the Lady with the scales having her blindfold askew.
Now I don’t know if all the accustaions coming out about the Crime Family and the leader of the pack are true. But if we had real journalists, they would investigate and find out. Look at the difference in how the book giving out secrets concerning Trump’s White House and the book about Biden’s White House are reviewed. Oh, I forgot, one hasn’t been reviewed. Don, Jr., has been subpoenaed a few times to testify and as far as I can tell, Hunter has not received one subpoena yet, Oh, that was Congress where the man from the Country of the Big Eye directs traffic, even when the wimps are in charge. I remember pleading with the MSM to at least follow up and check out the gentleman who claimed he “knew” Obama before he was elected and see if there was any truth. Of course, we are required to believe the man from the Country of the Big Eye that he has evidence of collusion, in spite of the reports that everything was made up by his hero, the lady who takes no live prisoners. Never mind we have eye witnesses, bank records, meetings, emails, fake names, all of which are not really evidence, as we need some “real” evidence like the man from the Country of the Big eye had against Trump to make accusations against early to bed, late to rise, Joe,
Even though the loudest voices are unwilling to acknowledge reality concerning the fearless leader they have sworn allegiance to in the White House, I did not hear Scott Smith’s side of the story until yesterday. And I will admit, it was only by chance, (the Arminian would say while the Calvinist knows it was predestined to happen), that I heard the interview and his side. That means the conservative journalists did not do their job either because they were working on their BDS, (Biden Derangement Syndrome).
A rebel rousing lady was calling Mr. Smith’s wife a liar behind him and he turned around and said a few words to her. An officer said to break it up and the lady continued on with the name calling and stating nothing happened to the Smith’s daughter, she made it all up. At this point, Mr. Smith felt hands on him and he was bum rushed to the ground. And Mr. Smith was tried and convicted for disrupting a school board meeting. I will admit, showing the take down might convince even me Mr. Smith was a little disruptive if I did not know any of the surrounding events and facts, e.g., starting with there being no need to tackle Mr. Smith in the first place! Now I don’t want to impune his attorneys before I know how extensive their discovery was, (I already know the bias of the DA as she showed her true colors early on), but there were people at the hearing who were witnesses, the officers could have been put under oath and the woman who was making all the noise and started the incident should have been deposed. AND, who filmed all this tape used by the DOJ in order to use this as a demonstration the parents are terrorists? I know people walk around with their camera at the ready but this supposedly happened instantaniously and your phone already had to be up and filming to catch this. If there are any conspiritists reading this, your mind is operating in the speed thinking mode right now.
The starting point could be, “What is the rabble rousing lady’s background and who is she associated with?” You probably didn’t need a starting point and may have even come up with a better one. The point I really want to make is that even though I read a disjointed article here and there, I did not read anything about Mr. Smith other than he disrupted a school board meeting and should be designated as a terrorist.
There was a smattering of tidbits about the boy who committed the assault being transferred to another school and committing the same offense again, kind of like the moronic no-bail rule, though this kid was never even booked or charged for the first offense. He was in the Free Pass Program.
Mr, Smith made a complaint, in fact two of them, and the Board was stating there were no complaints made against the offender. When the Smith’s, including the daughter, were making the claim they had made reports, that was what the lady was accusing the Smiths of lying about and on top of that, they were making up the accusation against an upstanding young man dressed in a skirt using the girl’s bathroom. So all of this may not have happened if the “journalists” would have done their job and started with their own mantra, “believe all women”. Unfortunately, that mantra is only used if you have a “D” after your name.
I wish is was as simple as the description of the lazy person in Proverbs 18:9: “He also who is lax in his work, is a brother to him who destroys.” NASB This could be addressed by the editors and owners of the publications and outlets. But the problem is deeper and more sinister. The lady may have been following the media, who did not report the lies of the board concerning there being no reports so no harm, no foul. But the media did not follow up, the board continued their lie, and the DOJ used this false narrative to make a national claim parents are terrorists, the low information public jumped on board and off to the races the country roared.
It is really hard to get good information today. While I agree with Tucker about Abbot should have sent the National Guard, put up the wall, let the government sue him, and win at the Supreme Court level as he has a right to protect his border, I don’t think Abbot is anywhere near as bad as Gretchen. Still, I never heard about the real plight of Mr. Smith from anywhere, until yesterday. It may have been there and shame on me for not finding it.
The real problem is there is an allegiance, spreading in this country, to Marxist ideals which causes laziness, resulting in destruction. Ask Mr. Smith as he rebuilds his life from the ruins.

September 14, 2023

The Bad Deal

This picture above is the principal of a grade school in Oklahoma!  When he is not playing principal, he is Miss Gay Oklahoma and Miss Gay Oklahoma USA. His charges for pornography were dropped because of a lack of evidence. The prosecutor should have borrowed some from the man from the land of the Big Eyes as he has plenty which have not seen the light of day yet.

Remember, this is a grade school he is principal of, which could have kindergarten children meeting this creature on the playground while they are playing dodge ball, (do they still allow kids to play dodge ball?).

For some reason, I have had the name Obadiah running around the track found under the few hairs I have on my head. I read the first chapter this morning and then looked up in a commentary what the scholars had to say about the date and person writing this book found in the minor prophet section of the Bible.
Seems like Obadiah is described as a “shadowy person” because they are not sure of his identity like they are many other individuals in Scrpture, let alone one who wrote a book found in Scripture. I can see now how happy the naysayers are to find this out, a “shadowy person” is someone you Christians blindly follow!
How easy it is to go from that simple presentation describing one of the authors of the most sacred and foundational book to the grandiose presentation of only a fool would believe a book with unknown authors as their guiding light. At least the golden tablets found in that rusted trunk were authoried by –, ok, I guess I can’t use that example. Well, how about the little green bible with all the truths in it? Nopr, no one watched the Finger of God write out that one either.
So the atheist says, see, I was right all along, (or at least until we find ourselves in that proverbial foxhole). See, he says, all this man made up stuff, telling us what to do and not do, is a bunch of junk science. We might as well let me be in charge as I know as much as the next man about how to live.
We could go on and on with all of the religions for the day and give the same argument. But I would argue that Christianity is different than all the other flavor of the day yet there are some similarities. Almost all have a supreme being somewhere, even if it is the person themself. The only exception I can think of off the top of the noggin is the something cane from nothing theory, which the gullible still fall for today. All flavors have some dos and don’t’s, even if they only have do or only have don’t’s.
And they all seem to have some kind of written guidance, (I am not sure what the atheist’s written buidance is, have to see if there is one), with either parts of it written by characters who have a historical presence or are only “shadowy characters”. Remember, that is how I fell down this rabbit hole this morning. I am going to have to return to the surface as there is too many uneaten carrots down here for my taste.
The return to the fresh air is where the Bible leaps out of the piles of written material and stands alone. This is the only book that points to Christ and Christ alone as the saviour of the world, not the archangel Michael, not the works of the individual, or the cards with the funny drawings on them. Christ alone, the One Who paid the price on the Cross for my sin and yours if you have given your life to Him. I realize we always say the cost is zero, and that is true if we use the true value of the sin ridden life we “gave” to Jesus. If you stop and think about it, Jesus really got the worst of the deal, in more ways than one.

September 15, 2023

The Valley

How do you know you are in a valley if no one tells you that you are in a valley? In other words, can you be in a valley and not know it? The world is made up of individuals of all types, sizes, colors, and the list goes on and on but the one that stands out to me this morning is: all types of personalities. The particular type on this morning’s menu have the names of “the discourager” and “the discouraged”. I am learning from the woke that we have to have two classes for every type so I should get an “A” on this one.
I believe Golith was a discourager and David’s brother’s were the discouraged. So what was David? Maybe he was an encourager? I may have inadvertantly stumbled on one of the issues, why do we only get to have two available labels? But have you noticed I just set up the two camp dichotomy again with the discourager and the encourager? So what happened to the discouraged, where did they go?
In our story, they went off to the fields and moaned and groaned and complained, or at least that is how I see it. For sure, wherever they wound up, they were moaning and groaning and complaining.
Over the years and through the many activities and jobs I been blessed to be a part of, I have had the pleasure of speaking with thousands of people, sometimes in a large group but mostly one on one or in small groups. My numbers are probably low because think about it, how many people do you speak with in a month? I’ll wager it is more than 2 a day, which makes it more than 60 a month, even in February. Anyway, it is easy to tell within minutes, and sometimes seconds, whether the person is a discourager or discouraged, and it is possible that since there are a myiad of other catagories, they could fit into one of them. But for this morning, I was wondering if the person could be discouraged and not know it?
An initial response is probably not, When you met the borthers in the field after seeing Golith, licking his chops, while he shouted his challege to all those he deemed beneath him, probalby because he towered over everyone, it would be apparent these guys were in the dumps.
I spoke with a lady yesterday about some changes she wanted to make in her trust. I don’t think she was in the dumps but she definitely was perplexed, had questions, had a plan but wasn’t sure how to put it into motion. I could tell there was something behind the scenes which was causing some discernment right away but it wasn’t until we had been speaking for a little while and most of her questions had been answered that I discovered someone had been putting a bug in her ear about possible events which could occur after she passed away and she would not like those results as they affected her assets and beneficiaries, none of which were true.
So a discourager was at work, causing one to be discouraged, even though the level of discouragment was nowhere near the level of the brothers out in the field with their long faces, looking in the wrong place for a deliverer, and eventually trying to act as a discourager when the meet the one who could deliver them from the mountain of flesh waiting in the street to put them out of their misery. There is a new rabbit hole to go down, the discouraged have become the discourager but I refuse to poke my head down there this morning, even though it looks really enticing.
So to answer the question put forth way back at the beginning of the meandering this morning, I don’t think the lady knew she was discouraged when she walked into the office. But the reason she didn’t know is because she was a positive person to start with, in my opinion. Her demeanor was not one of crying about everything was wrong and there was no hope for her wishes to come true for her assets going to the beneficiaries as she wanted, she was not complaining, and certainly was not moaning about how bad everything was presently and was going ot be forever.
But the most important issue to me is that devastating news affected her and moved her disposition down a notch and was discouraging but she wasn’t aware of that discouragement enough to cause her to crumble, moan and groan and complain. I wonder how she would have reacted if I had of mentioned something about being able to tell her right off the bat that I knew she was out of sorts and needed some comforting and assurance that everything would be all right. Probably not to well , but there are those that only need someone to shoot the pity party starting gun and off to the races they go.
So, I know there are times I am down in the dumps without actually being aware I am in the dumps and obviously without making that outward show of being in the dumps, and I don’t want to be pity party starting gun going off by the well meaning and discerning individual, because I am hanging out with the encourager rather than the brothers in the field and saying over and over, “The Lord is my shepherd, I will not be in need. 2 He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. 3 He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For the sake of His name. 4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows. 6 Certainly goodness and faithfulness will follow me all the days of my life, And my dwelling will be in the house of the Lord forever.” Or as it may be said in New Testament style, “In the Name of Jesus, the licker of chops and dumps, too bad, you lose again!”

September 16, 2023


When was the last time you used the word above? Never? I’ll wager that less than 1% of all Californians used that word this year. I don’t think even I have before this morning. I have to admit that I was going to use the word in opposition to its meaning. I am not sure why but I looked up the meaning and it did not have the meaning in the manner I was going to use it. The definition is: “ a confused mixture.” The word, “confused” was not going to be in my use of the word.
There are many lessons I have learned over the years, most of which I seem to have to learn more than one time and quite often I realize this must be at least the 100th time I am discovering it was just last week I learned the proper way to tie my shoes and here I am starting at the beginning once again.
So when I saw the word, “hodgepodge” used in a sentence, I realized I did know the actual meaning of the word but I was going to apply it without the “confused” part being added. But then, on further reflection of my navel, I was going to use the word how the defining sentence used the word and the defining sentence did not have the “confused’ idea in the sentence either. Now “I” am confused! Does that qualify for me to use the word?
I am able to take a turn on a dime during a thought, discussion, debate, and go an entriely different direction or as some would say, go down a rabbit hole. I guess they say go down a rabbit hole rather than a manhole is because of the smell and what is in the manhole. But what do you think the rabbits are doing down in that hole? They are not serving tea and crumpets. And now the Congo line of woke progressive communists refuse to allow us to call it a “manhole” any longer. And I am the biggest threat to democracy, because I am a white supremist as I am going to say paying $71.00 for gas this morning is Bidenomics at work and will probably get it up to $100.00 the next time I have to fill up the tank.
What a glorious country we live in where half the county can hate a man so much that they will allow a lying senile crook to make us energy dependent on those who hate us rather than allow the hated man who had lies made up about him while he was making us energy independent, be in charge. The bench for the Democrats is really thin but there have now been one liberal reporter, (actually the same one who told us the laptop was Russian disinformation by the 51 experts), say Biden should not run and one MSNBHeHaw commentator who just one month ago said the border policy was working and now says the border policy is broken and not working. Pretty soon, Biden will have his head on the chopping block at this rate.
Do you know that my home state of Colorado just moved ahead of California in passing the most outrageous bills? Polis just signed a bill outlawing all gas powered lawn equipment by a future date, of which I am not sure. Come on California, we can’t let Colorado catch up to us in being the most outrageous State in the Union. Of course, Grusome is having to dial it back a little as it gets closer to his entrance into the presidential race so there is that issue. It will be a hard seel to show San Francisco as a model for Grusome’s idea of what the USA should look like.
It is Saturday, my hodgepodge is probably at work every day I sit here at the computer and today is no different, the hodgepodger was at work. Before I leave to get in a few miles and beat the heat taking over for the day, I wanted to share a passage which I was looking at which I always wonder at what, if you read it closly, the meaning of it is and how it would fit for today’s application of Scripture to our life. I know how we all seem to use it but take a look at it and see if we are using it in the manner that God meant when he used Matthew’s hand to pen these few words: “ Then the Pharisees went and plotted together how they might trap Him in what He said. 16 And they *sent their disciples to Him, along with the Herodians, saying, “Teacher, we know that You are truthful and teach the way of God in truth, and do not care what anyone thinks; for You are not partial to anyone. 17 Tell us then, what do You think? Is it permissible to pay a poll-tax to Caesar, or not?” 18 But Jesus perceived their malice, and said, “Why are you testing Me, you hypocrites? 19 Show Me the coin used for the poll-tax.” And they brought Him a denarius. 20 And He *said to them, “Whose image and inscription is this?” 21 They *said to Him, “Caesar’s.” Then He *said to them, “Then pay to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; and to God the things that are God’s.” 22 And hearing this, they were amazed; and they left Him and went away.” Matthew 22: 15-22 NASB
If you pray about the meaning and listen to the Holy Spirit, this is really a challenging section of Scripture, (surprise, surprise, aren’t they all when read without blinders?). And there is no hodgepodge use containing the word, “confused”, found in verses 15 to 22. Probably why God has never allowed me to change or correct the Word because I am a master hodgepodger and there would be so many manholes in Genesis that there would be no Exodus